Time Management 101 For Moms
Time management for moms is important in every aspect of our lives. As moms, we are always in need of balance with everything that we have to get accomplished on an average day. We can at times feel overwhelmed when we are not able to meet the demands of time and feel like we have not accomplished anything. I completely understand when it comes to managing our times, that we can sometimes be our own enemies. Either we may micromanage our time or even macromanage it as well. I am not here to teach new tricks or time management skills. My goal is to help you find new free time…
10 Time-management Tips While Working From Home With Kids
Managing your time while working from home with kids can be a bit challenging if not done properly and effectively. There may be two scenarios when working from home with kids. One may include a set schedule like a typical 9 to 5 scenario, while the other may be a flexible work situation, for example, Blogging. However, in both cases, whether structured or flexible, time management is key to ensuring that productivity is at its optimal best. I am going to provide some tips and tricks to ensure better management of time while working from home, especially with children. What has your experience been? Please feel free to ask your…