Foods that I recommend for families that I myself have prepared for my family to enjoy.
Teaching Kids How To Enjoy Cooking Meals
My son who is only six years old, loves being in the kitchen. My eldest, not so much. But my youngest is actually excited about learning simple dish preparations and finds it quite entertaining. After preparing a meal, he gets so excited when he tells his brother or dad that he did it. So what do I do as a mom when my kids show interest in something? I allow them to explore it, to learn more about it, and to understand the process it takes to make these delicious meals for the family. Are your kids also excited about preparing meals with you? Do you have any meal ideas…
Time-Saving Kitchen Tips For Moms
I wanted to blog about some tips that you can use as moms to save more time and effort on the things that may be overwhelming when trying to keep up with preparing your family meals. I love cooking for my family! I enjoy doing it because it’s a passion of mine. I was the girl who did home economics in high school. I loved to prepare different kinds of food each week, while in school. It grew on me as a mom and so I like to explore different foods and dishes from all over the world. I also have a hectic family schedule that sometimes requires me to…
Instant Pot Recipes That Are Easy To Do
I love my Instant Pot! I do believe that it’s important for moms to have gadgets that are not only easy to use but are practical as well. This is one of my all-time favorite gadgets to use to prepare Instant Pot recipes that are quick and easy to prepare. I referred to this on my blog post Gadgets That Are Helpful For Moms. Do you have instant pot recipes to share? Please feel free to also share your own ideas for Instant Pot recipes that you may have tried, or ask your questions or concerns below. I will be happy to help you! If you have not gotten an…
Gadgets That Are Helpful For Moms
As moms, we want balance in our everyday life. Whether it’s at home or in the workplace, we want to be able to get the most out of our time without the stress that it entails. I wanted to put together a list of gadgets that I believe will help us as moms to be able to be more efficient at home. That would mean more time for family life or other excursions. Here is a list of my favorite top 5, household gadgets that has really helped me to get more accomplished with less time. Do you also have any that you would recommend? If so let me know.…
DIY Mario-Themed Party Decor And Food
I wanted to show you how to create this Mario-themed birthday party on a budget for yourselves, by using Mario-themed party decor and food that is easy to make. It was not only fun to do but also not time-consuming. Most items for this Mario-themed birthday party were purchased at Walmart or the Dollar Store. Similar items can also be found on Amazon as well. To learn how I planned the entire party on a budget, visit my blog post on Mario-Themed Birthday Party On A Budget. Have you also found any tips that you could share? Please feel free to add to my list, or ask your questions or…
Foods And Recipes For Extremely Picky Eaters
I wanted to challenge myself as a mom to find dishes or foods for picky eaters (what did I get myself into!). I can’t say that I was a perfect eater all my life. In fact, I was the pickiest of them all in a family of 5 with 3 siblings. My mom struggled with me growing up, trying to get me to eat everything, and then it turned into anything that she could think of. I would literally give my lunch away to the cute boys at school or hide them in my school bag for days on end. Yes, I was the worst of the worst, I would…
10 Tips For Changing Your “Picky Eaters” Habits
You have probably heard of or have gotten used to the phrase “picky eaters”. When it comes to children, it can be a tough battle of creating healthy eating habits. My discovery is that, once you start the process early, you can change the direction of a child’s life with more healthy eating habits than so much the dreaded “picky eating” issues that sometimes arise. My children are not picky eaters but they do have their preferences when it comes to what they like to eat. I have learned earlier on in the process one solid key and that is to expose them to a wide variety of foods to…
Battling Mealtime Struggles With Kids
Nutrition is important for children. Their bodies are continually growing and changing as they progress in age. If I were to guess what was one of the most problematic areas for parents before the age of 5, I would say it’s mealtime struggles. The “mealtime blues” I call it! The humdrum moment of trying to figure out what your toddler will eat and if they will actually sit and eat what you give them. Mealtime struggles can be quite a challenge for many parents, especially children before the age of 5. We tend to spend time preparing the meals only to find out that they will say NO and may…